icsi media

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) With HSA

Description / Use

Ployvinylpyrrolidone (PVP-K90) is a synthetic copolymer with a molecular weight of 360,000 Daltons. PVP is intended for use in ICSI procedures involving immobilization of sperm.

PVP with HSA solution is a ready-to-use PVP with HSA (5mg/mL), reconstituted in an isotonic HEPES buffered HTF medium.

7% PVP With HSA Solution

  • Recommended for use with low quality or low motility sperm specimens.
  • Available in kits of 5×0.5mL.
  • Has a shelf-life of 6 months from the date of manufacture when stored at the recommended temperature of 2℃ to 8℃

10% PVP With HSA Solution

  • Recommended for use with highly motile sperm specimens.
  • Available in kits of 5×0.5mL.
  • Has a shelf-life of 6 months from the date of manufacture when stored at the recommended temperature of 2℃ to 8℃.
  • Lyophilized PVP* is composed of USP grade PVP which is dissolved in Water for Injection (WFI) grade water and then membrane (SAL10) filtered and lyophilized.

10% Lyophilized PVP

  • Available in kits of 10x1mL.
  • Requires aseptic reconstitution with an appropriate medium (such as sperm washing medium) prior to use.
  • Has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture, once reconstitute lyophilized PVP mau be stored for up to 3 weeks when stored at the recommenced temperature of 2℃p to 8℃.
  • Does not contain protein supplement.
Reference Packaging
90121 5×0.5mL (7%)
90123 5×0.5mL (10%)

ivf media

Multipurpose Handling Medium

Description / Use

Buffered medium for oocyte retrieval, embryo transfer, micro-manipulation and gamete washing

Multipurpose Handling Medium Complete (MHM)

  • Available in 100ml and 500ml bottles.
  • MHM has a shelf life of 180 days from date of manufacture

Features And Benefits

    First IVF medium using a combination buffering system of HEPES and MOPS to optimize pH buffering and stability at room atmosphere:

  • Maintains pH across a broader range of temperatures.
  • Contains key amino acids, glycine and taurine, to help maintain cellular homeo stasis.
  • Formulated to promote optional cell growth by providing a safe and secure environment.

The first multipurpose dual buffering medium for use with gametes and embryos

Minimizing stress imposed upon gametes and embryos and maintaining homeostasis during in vitro manipulations are important for optimizing ART success. A key to this endeavor is the use of an appropriate handling medium utilized for cellular manipulations outside of the laboratory incubator.

MHM maintains an appropriate and stable pH during gamete and embryo manipulation at room atmosphere by employing the first combination buffering system containing safe and effective pH buffers, HEPES and MOPS By using these two proven pH buffers in specific ratios, pH buffering can be optimized for gametes and embryos and can lower amounts of each buffer utilized.

Reference Description Packaging
90166 MHM Complete 100 ml
90166 MHM Complete 500 ml

hyaluronidase solution

Hyaluronidase Solution

Description / Use

Hyaluronidase Solution is a convenient, ready-to-use solution designed for removing cumulus cells surrounding freshly retrieved oocytes prior to ICSI or other ART procedures.

This solution consists of 80 IU/mL of Hyaluronidase enzyme in a HEPES buffered HTF medium with therapeutic-grade human serum albumin (50mb/m:) and the antibiotic gentamicin sulfate (10µg/mL).

Irvine Scientific has performed extensive efficacy testing on Hyaluronidase Solution using freshly retrieved mouse oocytes and one-cell embryos.

The performance of Irvine Scientific’s Hyaluronidase Solution was equivalent to control hyaluronidase solutions, and no toxicity was observed to mouse oocytes and embryos. The development of one-cell embryos to blastocysts was equivalent after exposure to Hyaluronidase Solution as compared to non exposed controls (in growth medium only). The lot-to-lot performance of HJyaluronidase Solution was consistent for enzyme activity and the removal of cumulus cells from freshly retrieved oocytes with in 2 minutes.

In addition to the mouse oocyte and embryo bioassays, Hyaluronidase Solution is also tested for enzyme activity using a standard enzymatic assay for Hyaluronidase. This permits verification of actual enzyme activity, in addition to the functional bioassay of cumulus dell removal and lack of toxicity.

Morover, stability studies have been conducted to determine the enzymatic activity of Irvine Scientific’s Hyaluronidase Solution after storage at several temperatures. The results is greater than 95% of the initial enzymatic activity (80IU/mL) remains after storage for 2 months at 6℃ (refrigerated) or 6 months frozen (-10℃).

The recommended storage temperature for this product is frozen (<-10℃) to assure a shelf life of at least 6 months. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles of Hyaluronidase Solution (no more than 3) did not adversely affect the enzymatic activity.

Hyaluronidase Solution

  • Available in kits of 5×1.0mL.
  • The shelf life is 6 months when stored sealed at the recommended temperature of (<-10℃).
  • Gentamicin sulfate is included as the antibiotic.

Features And Benefits

  • Convenient ready-to-use solution for denuding oocytes of cumulus cells prior to ICSI or other ART procedures. Refer to product insert for detailed usage instructions.
  • This solution contains HEPES buffered HTF medium to maintain proper pH during cumulus cell removal at ambient atmosphere conditions.
Reference Packaging
90101 5x1mL